

After Lin Shi entered the room, she saw that there was only an old veteran there and no one else.

He looked like he was in his fifties, and he wore a green Daoist robe with his hair neatly combed. His hair was tied in a bun and held together with a black pin.

The girl in green turned around and left in a respectful manner, closing the door.

The old veteran was extremely thin, he had a long beard and looked very gentle.

But from the way that the girl in green acted in front of him, this was probably just a facade.

Lin Shi smiled and greeted him, "Greetings Elder.".

The old veteran looked at her and smiled, "Take a seat Miss Lin.".

Miss Lin? A feeling of fear overcame Lin Shi uncontrollably.

This was the exact same feeling she had whenever she felt that her fate was out of her control, and it was a terrible feeling to have.

She felt as if the man could see through her completely, but she had no idea who he was.

Lin Shi sat quietly opposite him.