

The old man was the same person that Lin Shi had met. He smiled at Chu Yu and said, "I know who you are!".

Chu Yu looked at him coldly as he sucked in the energy in the air all around.

"The five elements grand technique, this is a technique that existed in the previous era. You can only know it if you’re from the previous era. Either that, or you’ve obtained a legacy from the previous era," said the old man.

"It’s none of your business," said Chu Yu coldly as he looked at the old man cautiously.

"Don’t worry, I’m not affiliated with those who tried to kill you. My guess is that you’ve obtained the legacy of someone from the previous era, after all, there are only a few people who’ve survived till this day. Those who survived are definitely the most powerful existences now. Even though you aren’t weak, you’re not at that level. But, how is the Qi in your body so powerful?".