

No one knew how the long bow had appeared, they could only see it coming from the distance.

A flash of lightning struck as it fired a bolt of thunder at the Saint fighting against Chu Yu and Lin Shi.


The Saint's body exploded apart.

The energy waves that resulted were terrifying.

The soul of the Saint disintegrated instantly, he was beyond dead.

Following this, the long bow was pulled back again!

The two Saints that had just appeared in front of Lin Shi and Chu Yu froze.

They could not remember how long it had been since they had this feeling.

Without any hesitation, they turned and fled!

But the bow could not miss.

The two Saints attempted to disappear in a flash, they did not care about the magical formations here anymore.

Someone from the Twin Disciples Sect had once told them that it could only be bypassed from the inside out.

External stimulus would trigger its activation, but they could not be bothered.

If they did not run, they were dead anyway.