
One Must Wait


Chu Yu looked at the man in front of him, he did not dare to believe that this old and shrivelled man was Yi.

"It's no matter, don't be dramatic," Yi waved him off.

"Elder, you've given too much for this world," Chu Yu said softly.

The rims of his eyes were a little red.

Chu Yu blamed himself for Yi's state.

If he had used the feather, perhaps Yi would not have been in such a dire state.

"What do you mean, this is my home as well, it doesn't just belong to you youngsters!".

"Elder's condition…" Chu Yu said with a face of worry.

"I won't die," smiled Yi.

Yi knew that Chu Yu had the potential to change the world.

When he chose him, Yi never expected this boy to have so many secrets.

But when Chu Yu used that feather on the Pacific Ocean, Yi knew that something was up.

But these precious items had to be saved.

Chu Yu had Confucius' superclass, the Monkey's power and the terrifying cauldron. That was not it.

Chu Yu did not need any of Yi's legacies!