
Yu You


Under the thick layers of ice, within the great city.

The Master is getting married!

It was a grand occasion.

Many guests travelled along the star roads to attend this wedding.

Some arrived in carriages that were towed by dragons.

Others came alone.

Some of the guests were even enemies, but they did not dare to create a ruckus at such an occasion.

They respected the Sage of the galaxy!

Some of them did not understand this title.

"This man with the surname Zhou, he hasn't even reached the Saint Realm, how can he be considered a Sage when there's so many other Saints out there?".

There were many who had this question in their minds.

But they all received the same answer.

"This isn't a question you should ask. He's not someone you can trifle with.".

"Why is that?" asked a girl in her early twenties.

Her name was Yu You, and she looked beautiful although she was very young.

She came from an ancient Clan in the galaxy.