
Old Ghost

Xu Xiao Xian was going at lightning speed!

No trace of her could be seen, only a cultivator at the level of sainthood could catch a glimpse of her movements.

Shock was painted all over everyone's faces. No one had imagined how powerful she could be after attaining sainthood.


Ji Xiang Ye's position at the heavenly palace was no ordinary official. She had been around for centuries and remained respected as an experienced saint.

People like her valued their pride the most. She was used to being treated with tremendous honor.

Xu Xiao Xian had come up to her and gave her a tight slap.

Forget the physical injuries that she was inflicted with, her pride that was trampled on was what infuriated her the most.

She was driven absolutely mad!

There wasn't any trace of shock or confusion from the blow, just pure anger.

Pure distilled fury!

"Little b*tch, I am going to kill…".