
The Three Pronged Magical Formation

This net was enormous beyond measure, with no borders so far as the eye could see. It was almost as if it could enwrap an entire planet, emanating an aura of power.

Ming Hui and the other Elders were stunned momentarily, and an expression of shock crept across their faces.

"The Luo Skynet... I can't believe it's appeared again!"

Ming Hui attacked with a sacred art, striking this enormous net.

"Childish!" The Ancient Saint who summoned the Skynet snorted in contempt, completely disregarding Ming Hui.


Ming Hui's sacred art struck the huge Skynet, yet all its powers simply passed through the mesh of the Skynet.

The void tremored violently, but this enormous net was completely unscathed, hurtling towards the group of them.

Holding an ink holder in one hand and a brush in the other, Song Qing wrote the word 'fire' in the void in front of them.
