
Forgotten Ancestry

To die this way was too tragic.

A holy light shone upon the land, yet this light illuminated monsters and demons. Only the glaring guardian warrior would be able to suppress them all.

In the skies above the Pacific Ocean, the cold-blooded woman, whose strike had killed many youths and genius cultivators on Earth, was nearing her end.

She let out a scream of indignation.

"You insignificant insects from this wretched place, in no time you will all have to die!"

"When our great army arrives here from our homeland, your time of doom will have come!"

"And I…...will be reborn when that time comes!"

"When I descend upon this place again, no living creature will be left alive…...Ah!"

Xu Xiao Xian, who was high up in the sky, just couldn't stand her any longer and had let fly an arrow.

Even a being of the Saint Realm would have found it hard to trace the trajectory of this arrow.

The arrow was shot straight at this woman's forehead.

It was a fairly accurate shot!