
A Gamble

Jing Hong sat alone in her room as she sighed and walked to the mirror.

She looked at her snow-white skin which glistened in the light.

She looked like an angel that had come out of a painting.

She smiled to herself, what use was there being pretty?

All it did was incite jealousy.

How could she ever have feelings for someone she had never met?

It was at most curiosity, even if he was the Emperor.

So what?

Was a Divine Lady like her not worthy?

It was her ancient ancestor that wanted her to be by his side.

Why would she do it otherwise?

He wasn't a great Sage of the Mortal Realm!

She sighed as she sat back down and waited silently.

Xu Xiao Xian smiled when she saw Chu Yu.

She asked, "You're not angry are you?".

Chu Yu laughed as he pulled her in for a hug, "What would I be angry about?".

"Haven't Lin Shi and I been a bit nonsensical recently? I feel that that Jing Hong girl isn't just here as an ambassador, she seems to have some special information.".