
Do You Have An Invitation?

The young Emperor was getting married, the entire solar system was in a celebratory mood.

This was great!

Flying machines filled the skies as big screens broadcasted the news across the universe.

In the floating city.

Song Yu asked Xu Xiao Xian with a face of worry, "Where's Chu Yu?".

She was going crazy over the wedding preparations, where was the groom?

In the beginning, people were less worried, but this was his marriage!

Song Yu frowned, "That boy is already so old! Why can't he be more reliable!".

Xu Xiao Xian smiled. Chu Yu didn't want to let his parents worry, which was why he often did not tell them about his whereabouts. In fact, this time, even Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian didn't know much,

Chu Yu just said that he was going to find some people.

His expression then was rather relaxed, the two girls didn't feel like something was wrong.

They did not inquire any further.

If they asked him about it, he definitely would have told them.