
Light A Matchstick

The young boy huffed and puffed as a look of resolve appeared on his dainty face.

He said with a low voice, "If I'm taken, there won't be any good ending. The opponent is my ancestor's enemy, the only reason he could possibly want me alive is because he wants to use me against my own clan.".

"If I run, my family… they may not be safe.".

"If I die here… perhaps they would let them live?".

The young man had an unwilling look on his face.

But in the end, he sighed as tears fell from his eyes.

He said, "Mother, little sister, I'm sorry, I won't… ever see you two again! We'll meet in our next lives if fate looks upon us kindly!".

He wiped the tears off his cheeks as he said, "But, if I'm gonna die, I'm going to bring you down with me!".

He bit down hard as he took out a few magical equipment that radiated powerful energy. He lay them around the cave as they formed a terrifying field of power.

If the balance of the field was kept in check, nothing would happen.