

"Come on friend, let's just…"

"Take the money first," Chu Yu pouted his lips at him, "you should know better than to let your guests be greeted this way, Little Qu. A cup of tea perhaps? Are you despising me right now?".

The old ancestor bit down on his lips as he ordered his servants to prepare the refreshments.

Chu Yu was still looking at him with his mouth wide open.

He was driven to the edge, "Go on! Go to the storeroom! Retrieve half of the resources there! I am a man of my words!".

He looked at Chu Yu with bloodshot eyes, "But come on my friend, you have to be a man of your words too.".

Chu Yu gave him a wide beam.

The atmosphere was slightly tense and awkward.

Soon, two of the great beings of the Qu clan returned with a middle-aged man.