
Lu Clan takes the throne

At this moment, the two higher beings of the Ancestral realm from Qu Clan and 1 from Dong Clan had completely overpowered Lu Clan.

Even though the higher being of the Ancestral realm from Lu Clan was still alive, he suffered grave injuries.

Should this situation continue, death would only be a matter of time.

The Lu ancestor was fuming!

His hatred toward Qu ancestor reached its boiling point in an instant.

Even though they shared a common desire to conquer this entire territory, Qu Clan was the first to betray them!

Chu Yu hesitated a little.

This current situation benefited him the most.

Qu Clan's betrayal was a direct hit in the jaw for Lu; so brutal it drove the Lu ancestor crazy!

If Lu Clan was really hiding a Flying Immortal cultivator, then it was going to get much more interesting.

Should the Lu ancestor survive this immediate danger, Qu Clan and Dong Clan were going to have a really bad time, though not to the extent of being exterminated.