
The Public Opinion Card

"The door at the Bastion of the Stars is the only door that leads to the immortal realm. Isn't it guarded? Why have people barged into the immortal realm? Bunch of idiots."

"The immortal door has been crushed? Who are the ones who attacked? Are they Sovereigns?"

"Why did they come here?"

"They're coming closer and closer to the Land of Eternal Day. It seems that we're their target!"

A heated discussion ensued within the Thirty-Three Levels of Heaven.

They were all guessing why the battleships from the lowlier realms were coming towards them.

Until someone mentioned the greatest fear that was deep in everyone's heart.

"Don't tell me...they're the people of Sovereign Chen?"


"It's rare for Sovereigns of that prehistoric era to have any followers!"

"Chen has already gone to the Eastern Heavens. He has already given up on this place!"

"It can't be Chen's people!"