Oh, External Assistance!

No one had ever expected that Li Yunmu would simply throw all common sense out of the window. While the whole big bear battle squad had been preparing for a surprise attack, at this moment, Li Yunmu, who was hiding behind a tree, suddenly revealed himself when the enemy was more than a kilometer away. However, he didn’t even start attacking and just exposed his team’s position to the enemy like an idiot.

Could it be that he had also used this method against the dwarf witch tribe?

Something even more frightening about the situation was that Li Yunmu wasn’t even using Violent Blade. Rather, he was relying on archery. Suddenly, Li Yunmu shot a flux energy arrow filled with black coloured flux energy compressed to the extreme.

However, this arrow was shot at a crooked angle. Even though it would be an exaggeration to say that it was completely skewed, the arrow would miss the opponent even if they did not dodge or try to avoid it.