First Female Shadow

Bestial Sage's death was only the beginning.

In less than half a day, another terrifying news spread—a loner Flux Sage immersed in cultivating in seclusion had died mysteriously at his residence deep within his mountain.

This news was discovered three days after he had died when a Flux Sage who was his friend had paid him a visit. This Flux Sage's death was a homicide, and the Heavenly Star Pearl which he had on him was taken by someone.

Before long, a Nirvana Flux Master in the Sixth Dimension was also killed. His corpse was discovered after six or seven hours, and by that time only his skeleton remained, the flesh having been eaten by dimensional beasts. His cape which was a transcending sage tool was never found.

It was impossible for monsters to eat the transcending sage tool, and it was also impossible for them to have been destroyed. This Nirvana Flux Master was the seventh most powerful person in the Sixth Dimension, a Nirvana layer Halted Fluxer.