Soul Refinement

Soon, the group discovered several more original manuscripts in the ancient copper box. Surprisingly, all of them were cultivation methods of the Ghost Clan.


Instantly, all of them subconsciously realized that Devil had stumbled upon and harvested the complete inheritance of the exterminated Ghost Clan.

Ghostly Evasion was a temporal layer secret technique. Although it wasn't a sage level skill, according to the system's evaluation, it still surpassed the A grade cultivation methods.

Ghostly Evasion was different from the Ghostly Image Substitution technique. The latter allowed the user to cheat death by moving through the void and mainly focused on using a ghost image to escape death by confusing the enemy as well as concealing one's own whereabouts. Due to this, the enemy wouldn't be able to locate the user.

Ghostly Evasion, however, focused on fleeing speed.