The Price

Li Yunmu expressionlessly looked at Battle Sage Vega and Battle Sage An Jing who had stopped battling. In the two pairs of black and white eyes, there were no fluctuations regarding their mental state.

Li Yunmu's feelings were quite complex regarding Battle Sage Vega. If she hadn't taken an interest in him before, he probably would have lost the opportunity to descend to the Origin World to search for a method to become a deity. This would have certainly influenced the rate of increase in his strength and his upper limit.

Although in the Seventh Dimension all the supreme transcending experts including Battle Sage Vega had tacitly agreed to use him as bait, Li Yunmu could understand her thought process. She had been faced with the choice between a promising youngster and the future of all humanity.

It was a very simple question, and any ordinary person with some intelligence would know what to choose.