I Can Remove Him

"Loading world template..."

"World template loaded…"

"Creating search template..."

"Search template created…"

"Beginning search…"

A series of continuous notifications echoed on a huge display which had a stream of numbers.

A middle-aged man wearing a white gown was steadily gazing at the numbers flitting past the screen with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Even if this guy's influence in the past was great, he's still only an experimental product we created. Why would we need to be careful?" he mumbled.

A pair of blue-colored falcon-like eyes fell on the middle-aged man, and after a while, he coldly snorted.

"That guy isn't only an experiment. Strictly speaking, he can also be considered to be a civilization crystal."

The master of blue eyes slowly opened his mouth. "Do you really think that just by relying on the human technology, we could create so many fake gods?"