The Origin World's Divisions of Power

Li Yunmu also felt that the system's words were correct. With the assistance of Odin and Zeus, what did he need to fear in the Origin World?

Thereupon, on the system's instigation, he appeared and agreed to the marriage.

Once Li Yunmu agreed, Odin naturally didn't have any other thoughts. Moreover after Frigga persuaded her, Brunhilda had also agreed to the marriage.

After Li Yunmu's approval, Odin put aside the last worries in his heart.

He understood the best that if Scandinavia and Heavenly Gods Council formed an alliance, then no one in the whole world would be able to stop their new king.

And that new king was precisely Li Yunmu. Anyone could see his strength, and he was also young and talented. Whenever he raised the topic, very few opposed it.

If that wasn't enough, the majority of the Egyptian Gods were at the side of Heavenly Gods Council. So among the five powers of the Origin World, two and a half already stood on Li Yunmu's side.