The Reverence of Gods

For what seemed like ages, Li Yunmu stood in front of the villagers with his eyes closed as if going through a mental journey.

The villagers looked at him with hearts filled with curiosity as to why he had gathered them in the open space. Among them, one villager, who was standing behind village chief, stretched his head slightly forward.

"Village chief, you say, why exactly do you think lord god has gathered us here? If he has some instructions, then why hasn't he said anything for so long?" he asked in a whisper.

The village chief glanced at the villager. His eyelids dropped and he calmly said, "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. Lord god asked us to stand here so we are standing here."

Before his words could fade away, the villager pulled back his head and began to wait calmly for Li Yunmu to speak.

Li Yunmu opened his eyes and looked at the villager in the front while the system roared in his brain.