One Punch

Before his defeat, Vishnu's figure had transformed continuously, and he had unleashed countless divine techniques covering the entire platform. But none of them hit Ancient Goddess Liu Qing.

Indra naturally wouldn't make this type of mistake. He would instead spread the primal lightning in all directions. As long as Liu Qing was on the stage, she would definitely be hit.

If that happened, Indra could easily win the competition.

Yaksha's expression turned increasingly more unsightly as he watched, and he said in an icy tone. "Indra could be considered to have won, but only because of my and Vishnu's contribution. There's nothing to be proud of."

Vishnu did not say anything. Indra's move was even more dangerous than when he had used the divine techniques. Although he had unleashed many divine techniques, Liu Qing's speed was very fast, and she had dodged them all.