Leng Yan

Li Yunmu didn't reply. He simply looked at the slight frown on Yan Wanqiu's plump face and the pout on her cherry-red lips, which brought out a young girl's charm. According to what she said, Jue Qingzi had an indecisive nature and was often tricked by others. If they had to choose a sect leader between Yan Wanqiu and Jue Qingzi, then Yan Wanqiu would definitely be the first choice.

Although she had some flaws, like timidness and fear of death, in terms of taking decisions, she was much better.

"Don't worry, I promised you to help Jue Qingzi obtain godhood this time. Regardless of how strong Young Master Leng is, it is useless," Li Yunmu said in consolation.

Yan Wanqiu nooded, feeling relaxed in her heart. Whether for good or bad, a golden immortal level expert was by her side, so regardless of how formidable Young Master Leng's position in the Alliance was, it would be useless.