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“Hmm… Oh that? That was nothing. I just spoke to them in Dragon Tongue, and they mistook me for a real dragon. The Dark Elves have been slaves to the Dragon race since the ancient Dark Era. Even in the present, their society still considers themselves servants of the dragons which is why they were so respectful and fearful of me. Thanks to the information they provided, I also received a branching quest line so I’ll be handing it in after we return to town,” Nie Yan replied.

“Dragon Tongue? When did you learn the Dragon language?” Yao Yao asked. It appeared Nie Yan still held quite a few secrets since he continued revealing surprises one after the other.

“Yeah! I heard dragons were extremely rare,” Tang Yao added. Nie Yan was truly becoming more and more outstanding; even the language of the dragons wasn’t out of his reach.