To Bully Intolerably

Calling Nie Yan fast was an understatement. In one fluid movement, he had thrown the Flash Powder and made his way behind Night Shadow.

Nie Yan knew, from his experience playing as a thief for so many years, exactly which factors would allow him to deal a fatal blow. The first was crowd control, incapacitating the enemy by either stunning, blinding, or doing anything to render them incapable of retaliating in general. The other was speed, speed so astonishingly fast the enemy would be unable to dodge.

After getting behind Night Shadow, Nie Yan stunned him by striking him on the back of the head with Concussive Blow.

Only then did he notice that this Thief actually belonged to Victorious Return. “Tch, it’s them again…” Judging from the style of the dark leather armour he wore, Nie Yan recognized it as the Blackwing Set, the best Battle Thief set currently in the game. “He’s probably ranked pretty highly in their guild.”