Let Me Face Him!

Xie Xie backflipped out of range of Guang Long’s punch, only to see a powerful aura explode forth from Guang Long’s body.

‘Two rings! A Soul Grandmaster! This guy’s strength actually surpassed rank 20 and he’s a two ring Soul Grandmaster!”’

Two little spirit souls appeared atop Guang Long’s shoulders. One was an earthen-yellow lizard, while the other was a metal-gray lizard and clearly a bit larger.

The strength disparity of a single soul ring between Soul Masters was huge. Regardless of whether it was their soul power or their soul rings, a difference of a rank or ring was significant.

In the wake of these soul ring’s appearance, Guang Long’s body expanded by a whole circle. His muscles grew to a ridiculous level, and those scales now made it look like he had metal gray skin. His appearance became much more vicious.