The Trio Versus the Crystal Bear

“If this was a real soul beast, then you would have been able to absorb its hundred year soul ring directly, but too bad it’s not,” Xie Xie said as he gave Tang Wulin a thumbs-up.

Tang Wulin said, “It wouldn’t have been this easy if it wasn’t a dragon-type soul beast.”

Suddenly, a delicate voice called out from the side. “It’s not exactly a dragon. Now hurry up and help me!”

A silver light flashed and a delicate figure appeared not too far from Tang Wulin and Xie Xie. With a green light beneath her feet, Gu Yue reached them with lightning speed.

A howl came from behind her, announcing the giant figure as it rushed out of the thicket.

“Damn, that Crystal Bear is huge…” Xie Xie went wide-eyed at the sight of the bear, while Tang Wulin stood stunned.