Team Battle Against the Demon Spider

“Mn! Wait for a chance.” Tang Wulin sternly ordered. From below his feet, strands of Bluesilver Grass arranged themselves into a formation as he continuously supplied them with soulpower. The Man-Faced Demon Spider is giving us a chance, how could he not take it?

Gu Yue silently sat cross-legged in the middle, meditating to restore her soul power. Wang Jinxi stood next to Zhang Yangzi, trembling with excitement. The two were prepared to use their fusion skill at any moment.

Coordination didn’t matter anymore in the face of the Man-Faced Demon Spider. What was important, however, was whether they had the power to defeat it.

Tang Wulin’s Golden Dragon Claw possessed immense power, but the problem was he didn’t know how to approach this gigantic poisonous spider.

“Xie Xie, if I’m unable to break free, then you’ll be the acting captain.” Tang Wulin warned Xie Xie.