Spirit Soul Evolution

Tang Wulin suddenly felt warmth spread from his spine to his whole body. At first, it was so faint that he could barely feel it, but the closer they got to the academy, the more apparent the feeling became. As the warmth diffused into his four limbs and seeped into his bones, he felt exceptionally comfortable, but at the same time, exhaustion washed over him.

To his side, Gu Yue discovered that Tang Wulin’s entire body was swaying as he stumbled forth. She quickly supported him, worriedly asking, “Wulin, what’s going on?”

“I don’t know, I just feel really sleepy.” With Gu Yue’s support, it was like a switch had been flipped. His entire body went weak and collapsed into Gu Yue’s arms.

Wu Zhangkong halted mid-step and quickly turned around, astonishment coloring his face. The others had also started to notice Tang Wulin’s abnormal behavior.

In a flash, Wu Zhangkong appeared in front of Tang Wulin, quickly taking his wrist.