

Zhou Zhangxi staggered backward continuously. He finally couldn’t stabilize himself from the force and landed on his butt.

However, Tang Wulin stood grounded just like before, though his upper body swayed a bit.

‘How could this be?’ Zhou Zhangxi was at a loss. If one could say he’d been defeated during the match that day due to being careless, what about today? He’d released his martial soul and even utilized his soul skill, Power Amplification, yet Tang Wulin’s strength still crushed his. It was simply unrivaled and had even forced him on his butt.

“Stop!” Wu Zhangkong commanded icily and pointed at Zhou Zhangxi. “You. Out.”

If a Power System Battle Soul Master lost to their opponent in strength during a match, then there was no longer a need to continue the match.

“Why didn’t you use your martial soul?” Wu Zhangkong eyed Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin answered, “He wanted to compete against me in strength.”