Mu Xi’s Depression

Tang Wulin gently sighed. “Does your face still hurt?”

The arrogant expression present on Xie Xie’s face hardened in response as he clenched his fists tight.

Tang Wulin patted his shoulder. “I have something to do tonight. How about tomorrow night, I’ll spar with you then.”

After having been through a few matches against Xie Xie, Tang Wulin was no longer against battling. During these few matches, he had progressed and greatly improved his combat abilities. The stress that Xie Xie exerted onto him didn’t go unrecognized.

As the morning class ended earlier than usual, Tang Wulin didn’t return to his dorm. Instead, he went off to the advanced academy.

When the bell rang to signify the end of class, Tang Wulin spotted Liu Yuxin walking out of the classroom together with a few female students.

“Senior Sister Yuxin.” Tang Wulin waved in her direction.

Liu Yuxin spotted him easily and, together with her group of classmates, walked quickly in his direction.