Year Soul Ring

Xu Xiaoyan had thought one month was plenty of time to prove herself but after seeing these numbers, she finally understood how large the gap between her and the other three.

Xu Xiaoyan raised her hand. “Teacher Wu, I’d like to test my spiritual power again at night.”

“Hm?” Wu Zhangkong turned to look at her. “Does the night affect your spiritual power?”

“Mn.” Xu Xiaoyan nodded.

This had been her greatest secret, but her competitive nature dragged it out of her.


“The combat test will begin in a moment. You’ll battle in pairs; Tang Wulin with Xu Xiaoyan, Xie Xie with Gu Yue.” Wu Zhangkong instructed.

Xie Xie went silent. Gu Yue frowned and said, “Teacher Wu, that’s not fair. We have two rings, while they only have one ring. We should pair a one ring with a two ring. How about I go with Wulin, and the agile Xie Xie pairs with Xu Xiaoyan’s Starwheel Ice Staff? Xie Xie’s soul power is the highest after all.”