Dignity and the Future

It only took moments from when the golden mark first appeared for Tang Wulin’s entire body to be covered in a network of golden streaks. It gave him an air of resplendence.

Once the golden lines appeared, his breathing calmed down. He seemed to be adapting to the scorching pain.

The golden lines pulsed intermittently, spreading a peculiar energy which enveloped his body. It wasn’t soul power, but something far more special.

Wu Zhangkong narrowed his eyes at the sight. He used only his senses to silently investigate.

His blood essence is so powerful!

It was inconceivable for someone’s blood to course so vigorously.

Golden scales emerged on Tang Wulin’s right arm, stopping just shy of turning into the dragon claw. In contrast with their usual appearance, however, the current scales were far more brilliant and jagged. A golden radiance shone through them in a dazzling display.

Tang Wulin’s frame trembled gently when the water began to bubble, seemingly boiling him alive.