A Test of Strength

After creating spirit souls, Spirit Ice Douluo Huo Yuhao managed to obtain an orange-gold soul ring somehow, one that provided multiple soul skills from a vicious spirit soul. He was truly outstanding.

Soul rings with special colors rarely appeared throughout history, and the legendary Huo Yuhao and Tang San were the most prominent examples of people who possessed them.

In light of this, even though Tang Wulin only had a single golden soul ring, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

After recovering from her surprise, the old lady furrowed her brows. "Your soul ring is quite unique. It doesn't seem to be made of soul power. I sense blood essence fluctuations coming from it, but your soul power is completely serene. Just what is going on?"

"Honestly, I don't know either," Tang Wulin answered calmly. "I only know that my blood essence is very powerful. I think this ability came from my bloodline, but since it granted me a soul skill, it seems to be a type of soul ring."