The Snow Leopard of Ten

Tang Wulin's movements slowed down as the temperature lowered even further and a layer of ice formed on the ground. His Bluesilver Grass continued to whip at the pursuing leopard, but his soul power was quickly depleting.

Despite his situation, Tang Wulin kept running and exhaling white fog with each breath.

"Hmph! Let's finish this already." A streak of blue flashed through the girl's eyes as her third soul ring lit up. She leaned forward and dashed toward Tang Wulin, reaching out towards him with her right hand. A white light enveloped her, sending an overflowing sensation of strength through her body.

Behind her appeared the image of a giant Snow Leopard swiping its claw at Tang Wulin.

Her third soul skill, Snow Leopard Claw, was a thousand-year level soul skill with both spiritual and physical attributes. Anyone it struck would become dizzy for five seconds and endure extreme cold to the point of freezing. It even possessed the ability to send opponents flying.