Hell Wu Siduo

Luo Guixing's first soul skill: Spatial Lock! Using its powerful imprisonment ability, he had neutralized the two students earlier. The soul skill could not completely freeze the target and could only root them in place for a moment, so it required precise judgement to be used effectively, something Luo Guixing did not lack.

Judging by the charging girl's momentum, he ruled out breaking into a direct confrontation.

But at that moment, everyone's eyes went wide. The girl's body became illusory and soul rings rose from beneath her.

One ring, two rings, three rings, four rings! A total of four purple rings appeared around her!

"Wu Siduo!" Half of the students present shouted in unison, including Tang Wulin.

They had just mentioned her and now she appeared. Then it struck Tang Wulin why Yang Nianxia had only asked for her cooperation because he recognized her.