Self-Soul Fusion Skill

Gritting his teeth, the shield soul master charged forward and attacked with his shield!

Yang Nianxia had suffered quite a bit after being helplessly teleported out of the fray by Luo Guixing. Now that he had finally rejoined the chaos, he couldn't bear to restrain his strength.

A boom tore through the air as Yang Nianxia smashed the shield out of the shield youth's hand and sent him flying backward. Before the youth could hit the ground, Tang Wulin sent a strand of bluesilver grass shooting out from behind Yang Nianxia to wind its way around the youth's waist. Then Tang Wulin yanked backward, flinging the young shield soul master right into Yang Nianxia's fist.

White light blossomed, signaling the youth's elimination.

Yang Nianxia turned around to face Tang Wulin and Gu Yue. To his surprise, he found no trace of the two agility-type soul masters from Luo Guixing's side they should have been fighting with.

They already got rid of those two?