Dividing the First Grade

"Among you, there are designers, makers, mechanics, and blacksmiths," Wu Zhangkong said, cold as usual. "Simply put, creating a mecha requires these four professions to work together. I'm sure you're all curious about why the Academy is teaching you the basics of mecha making. In order to become a battle armor master, you first have to study the foundation of battle armor: mechas!

"High-end mechas are just about as powerful as low-end battle armor. A blacksmith forges the metal used to make the mecha, a designer drafts the mecha's blueprint, a maker assembles the mecha, and a mechanic decides how long the mecha can be used. Battle armor is made in much the same way.

"Now let's discuss the fundamental principles of mechas…"

Wu Zhangkong began his lecture. However, he didn't cover the basics of mecha making alone. He also discussed how makers worked with blacksmiths, designers, and mechanics. It was a comprehensive lecture.