Seeing What Shouldn't Be Seen

With Feng Wuyu's workshop behind him, Tang Wulin felt his whole body relax, limbs no longer held tightly together by ropes of tension. Just thinking about how an unreasonable madman like Feng Wuyu would respond to rejection sent shivers down his spine. Fortunately, Feng Wuyu showed a modicum of rationality today and let him off the hook. That wasn't to say Tang Wulin didn't understand the importance of blacksmithing, but it was not his number one priority right now.

However, Tang Wulin would be lying to say he wasn't at least curious about Feng Wuyu's special method. Especially if it could boost his soul power without any side effects. It likely required the consumption of heavenly spirit items. Even so, ten spirit refined products was too large of a price for Tang Wulin to hand over.