Dragon Shocks the Heavens

Arriving at the small house, Tang Wulin and Wu Zhangkong saw that the lights were on. They entered the living room, but no one was there to receive them.

"Wait here," Wu Zhangkong pointed to a chair, then headed for the stairs. "I'm going to find Teacher."

Despite Wu Zhangkong's directions, Tang Wulin chose to remain standing. After a short period of waiting, Wu Zhangkong returned with Zhuo Shi. Seeing Tang Wulin, Zhuo Shi's eyes lit up and he rushed over to his granddisciple. Only, something seemed different. His eyes narrowed as he stared at the boy intently.

"Grandteacher!" Tang Wulin said respectfully.

Zhuo Shi raised a hand, silencing him.

A moment later, his stern expression changed into surprise. "Your blood essence improved so much in just a week? What happened? You had a breakthrough, right?"