
Yue Zhengyu was taken aback by Tang Wulin's suggestion. "Really?" Such an offer was definitely in his favor. First-grade thousand refined meteoric iron was one of the best materials he could hope for to make his one-word battle armor, and all the better if it was free!

True to his word, Tang Wulin retrieved a piece of meteoric iron from his storage ring and handed it over.

Yue Zhengyu accepted it, inspecting it with a sharp eye. The way light reflected off the metal confirmed it was the real deal, and he gulped as his surprise grew.

"And here I thought you were a stingy person. I would never have expected you to be so generous! Let's do as you said and call it even between us. Also, if you make any good stuff in the future…"

He almost swallowed his tongue as Tang Wulin unbuttoned his shirt, revealing something white beneath. It was a dazzling five-starred badge..


Yue Zhengyu's eyes nearly jumped out of their sockets. He pounced on Tang Wulin and ripped open his shirt.