Opposites Attract

"We're facing a thunder beast!" Yue Zhengyu exclaimed. "As expected of the Spirit Pagoda! They have such a rare soul beast! Be careful everyone, we can't underestimate it. It's extremely quick, and its lightning is lethal."

Before Yue Zhengyu could say any more, the thunder beast made its move. It whipped its crooked tail around, sending another bombardment of violet-blue lightning at Tang Wulin's team.

Yuanen Yehui snorted as she strode forward. Three purple soul rings appeared around her as a pair of pitch-black wings unfurled from her back. Inky darkness spread from her body, rapidly eating away at the surrounding light and swallowing up the bluesilver grass around them. It also engulfed every lightning bolt that shot toward them, soaking them up like a blighted fen. The darkness spread beyond the net of bluesilver grass, but it soon reached the boundary where electricity crackled in the air, and it stopped.