The Mighty Diamond Baboon

Even back when soul beasts littered the land, Titan Giant Apes and Diamond Baboons would be at each other's throats the moment they laid eyes on each other. Diamond Baboons knew they couldn't kill the Titan Giant Apes, but they would rather die trying. Yuanen Yehui bore no grudge against this Diamond Baboon, but as soon as she unleashed her Titan Giant Ape martial soul, her eyes went crimson with fury. The Diamond Baboon beat its chest and roared, then dropped onto all fours and bounded toward her.

Tang Wulin understood how powerful this baboon was and chose not to use his bluesilver grass. It couldn't possibly stand up to the baboon's strength as it currently was. Instead, he opted to use his Golden Dragon King abilities, immediately activating Golden Dragon Body. A brilliant golden soul ring appeared beside him as he devoured a red bean bun, and charged at the baboon.