Blood Essence Reversal, Golden Dragon Shocks the Heavens!

Ye Xinglan slashed the star silver nine more times. Streams of light burst from the metal in an instant and it soared into the air.

A dragon roared from within Tang Wulin's right hand, his blood essence trembling with excitement. A pattern of golden lines surfaced on his skin. As he subconsciously raised his right hand, a golden light enveloped it and traveled up his forearm.

She succeeded?

Everyone was entranced by this scene. Ye Xinglan fell on her butt, her complexion pale, but her eyes never left the miracle around Tang Wulin's hand.

The golden light around his hand condensed, vaguely taking on the form of a dragon's head. It curled around his forearm and roared, shining brighter than before.

They had succeeded. They successfully created the first piece of Tang Wulin's battle armor.

Battle armor!