The Twin Dragons Arrive

Huh? He came too? To Tang Wulin's surprise, Elder Li followed the Holy Spirit Douluo and the Silver Moon Douluo, both of which came from the Sea God's Pavilion. Is he from the Sea God's Pavilion? Even if he isn't, his position has got to be really high up!

Trailing behind these three illustrious figures were Wu Zhangkong, Shen Yi, the teacher in charge of the second grade, and some profession teachers.

"There's a lot of important people here today, Boss!" Xie Xie whispered anxiously.

Tang Wulin looked at him. "We'll just have to do our best then."

Xie Xie nodded in agreement, then snuck a glance at Yuanen Yehui. He didn't know why, but he felt that there was something different about her. As the powerful leader of the second grade, she wasn't their dorm member that day. Xie Xie felt a bit nervous in the face of her imposing aura.

He still remembered the thrashings she had given him, fear lingering in his heart.