An Opening in the Chaos

The clash between Tang Wulin and Yuanen Yehui's had momentarily created a large gap in Gu Yue's blizzard, the resulting shockwaves hindering the movements of both teams. Despite the danger, two figures traversed the stage in a flash of silver light. Everyone else was too preoccupied to pay any attention to them, however. Especially Xu Lizhi. He threw bun after bun at his teammates to keep their soul power reserves topped up, all while taking the time to defend Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan. Noticing the peril that Tang Wulin was in, he threw a bun straight at him.

Is that a Bloodthirst Bean Bun? Yuanen Yehui recognized it from their adventure in the spirit soul tower. I can't let him eat it!

She punched out again, sending an air cannon toward the bun, the golden blast of air striking and obliterating it. She then turned her attention from Gu Yue back to Tang Wulin. She couldn't afford to focus on anyone else until she thoroughly defeated him.