Preparing to Set Out

Tang Wulin lit up at Shen Yi's words. "What do we have to do so no one is expelled?"

Shen Yi glanced at him before returning her gaze to the rest of the class. "The results of the final exam will be based on how many points you score. If everyone meets the minimum score, then everyone might be able to pass. But then the bar for next semester's exam would be raised by five percent."

Tang Wulin furrowed his brow. He wasn't naive enough to think Shrek Academy's exams would be simple. Passing the exam was definitely easier said than done.

Shen Yi smiled. "The only leeway we'll allow is the option to share points with other students. However, let me remind you that these points are the same ones that will determine whether you get into the inner court. Be careful of how many points you give away. They could be the difference between making into the inner court or not."