The First Transformation: Dragon God Awakens

"Dragon God Transformation?" The referee cracked a bitter smile. "Fine. You win."

Tang Wulin grinned. He waved at the silent audience, who were too stunned to make a peep. Then with a smirk, he moved a finger to his lips and shushed them.

Xie Xie nudged Tang Wulin as he supported his captain, urging him to make their getaway. If not, then they would soon be drenched in a rain of spit. He paused to readjust his grip on Tang Wulin. "You really are a glutton."

Tang Wulin looked at him, confused. "What do you mean?"

Rolling his eyes, Xie Xie said, "You're so heavy. Isn't it obvious?"

Silent, Tang Wulin brought a hand to his belly, patting and prodding the flesh. Xie Xie rolled his eyes again at the sight.

Finished with his inspection, Tang Wulin glanced at Gu Yue. Her eyes were closed, and she was only standing thanks to Xu Xiaoyan's support.