Tang Sect Headquarters

Tang Wulin let out a deep breath, expelling the tension within him. "That's great. Please divide my bonus points between my classmates who are in risk of failing."

"Are you sure?" Wu Zhangkong asked. "Your points will determine whether you can enter the inner court or not."

Tang Wulin stood firm. "Yeah. I have no doubts that the points are only one aspect of the assessment anyway. Isn't strength also a deciding factor? Plus, we won a lot of honor for Shrek this time. The Academy should be giving us more than just bonus points! Did the higher-ups say anything about a reward?"

"Yes. In fact, the academy has rewarded me already. They docked one year's bonus for using Shrek's name in a conflict with a rival academy and nearly damaging our reputation. Do you still want a reward? I can ask the Academy for you."

Tang Wulin gawked at Wu Zhangkong, his hands a pair of blurs in his gesture of refusal. "N-no! I'm fine! I don't have any money! None at all!"