Gu Yue, Confess!

"Xie Xie and Lizhi, please keep what I'll be saying next in mind. The Purple Demon Eyes is an art that requires daily morning cultivation, and the cultivation is slow to say so the least. You can't rush it. I'll teach you two how to train it tomorrow morning," Tang Wulin said.

"Okay." Xie Xie brought a hand to his lips. "Then how about I teach you the Ghost Shadow Perplexing Step in the afternoon?"

"Sure!" Tang Wulin flashed a smile.

A distance away, Yue Zhengyu leaned against a wall, lips pursed and eyes glued to the trio. "They're so lucky. How come I never have such luck?"

"That's because you don't go out much. Have you hit rank 40 yet?" asked Yuanen Yehui, careful to keep a five meter space between them.

"Yeah. I did. Just wait until I get my second spirit soul… Hehe. You better watch out for your class president position."

Yuanen Yehui snickered.

Snorting, Yue Zhengyu continued, "We'll see once the next semester starts."